Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Unlocking A Door That Should Probably Stay Closed

Day 2: So far, so good. I've got a favorite position in my bed: wrapped up to the undersides of my shoulders in two blankets with a third blanket within arm's reach, laptop sitting on those blankets right where it belongs (my lap), and... and...

Well, I guess there are only two real requirements for my new 'Blog and Bedtime Position'. But, the important part is that I am here writing, I have read a blog that is not my own, and I commented on it. I should purchase some gold stars.

And, through the course of my driving to Barnes and Noble, then Powells, and finally back home this evening, I have a schedule I am hoping to keep most nights:

10:00pm - B.B.P. Read other blogs, spend a few minutes crafting my own.
10:20pm - Bust out my new Physics GRE test prep book and try to work through at least two problems.
10:40pm - One page at a time, attempt to relocate books from the staggering 'still need to read' pile to the rather embarrassingly small 'totally owned this book'.

Somewhere around 11, 11:30 - Go to bed! Get some sleep! And, get your ass out of bed by 5:30 to go to the gym before work!

That's my current formula for success and grad school for Fall 2011. Actually, in this formula, success and grad school might be interchangeable on their side of the equation. There is a part of me that will forever tap it's foot in anticipation if I don't at least attempt to become an awkwardly social astronomer.

Oh, gosh. Awkwardly social... That might be my new favorite string of words for the next indeterminate amount of time. Albeit a short string, 'awkwardly social' so much more accurately describes my handicaps as a person. And, who I ultimately aspire to be.

Being a person so disconnected from the rules of daily interaction is a painful thing for everyone who is not the socially awkward person. When a socially awkward person becomes an element in any scenario, the rules to being socially awkward imply that the awkward person has no clue that they are the one turning the air around them palpable.

Saving Grace! I, Justin Hudec, feel the awkwardness of the situations that I find myself a part of! Does this mean that I cannot be accurately described as 'socially awkward'?! Because, more often than not, these uncomfortablilities do not arise from me being unaware of a situation or conversation happening around me. No. More often than not, I find myself in an awkward situation because of my inability to let a bad idea be a bad idea. When I feel the need to chime in, my penchant for half-backed schemes and thoughts overpowers the small, timid side of me asking, "Is that really a good idea?"

Oh, no! It is 10:30! I've passed my time for blogging and must move onto physics! It's okay, since I bought the book today I will use my time reading the introduction and "how to use this book" section. That shouldn't take too long, then I can jump back into 'Wampeters, Foma, and Granfalloons'. (Again, Google or coffee. You can probably count on a lot of references like that...)


  1. I find your ramblings somewhat confusing, but always amusing. oh, and you forgot one thing in your schedule: figure out time to hang out with Melissa Damn Weckhorst. Yes, my middle name is now Damn.

  2. you are getting so much less sleep than me and Moto!

    but you are making so much more money ... :)

    i like your "awkwardly social" phrase. it works.
