Monday, January 18, 2010

Future Song Titles (It Would Be a Bad Day If My Car Was Impounded)

At first, I was going to go with 'Analogists Anonymous'. I was trying to think of something creative to call this new, breakthrough blog. I was thinking of all the fun ways I could cleverly use 'AA' when referencing my own blog. But, then, I felt really conflicted about the idea that analogies were a crutch. Or, a way to bury my problems deep inside me.

Shoot, now I'm rethinking everything. What are analogies but a crutch (a tool to help explain something a little more complex) or a way to bury my problems deep inside me (I didn't feel this one needed more explanation, but the left side of my brain will be damned before it lets me only use one set of parenthesis in a sentence where I use the word 'or' and the first half got a parenthesis).

No. Stick with it, Hudec. The real reason I bailed on the 'AA' idea was because that would seriously set me up for failure. I am definitely of the opinion that analogies are our way of comprehending ideas and theories that rival intuition. Like, using a pond full of blind fish with a drain in the middle that can accelerate water to the speed of sound to explain black holes and their accompanying Schwartzchild radius. (Google it. Or, ask me to coffee. I am a strong proponent of either.)

But, I am far from a master of analogies. I wish I was, and I definitely want to incorporate as many analogies as I can. But, the idea of 'AA' would mean bringing people together to discuss their analogies and how they are better than mine. And, while I would give my left leg at the knee to have a healthy comment section on every one of my blogs, to call it "Analogists Anonymous" would imply that I would have an analogy more often than not to explain something that happened in my life. And, I will not make a boast that I can't back up.


Nope, I'm sticking with 'Future Song Titles'. The ethos behind this decision is that I often mentally summarize events that take place during the day as facebook status updates or clever phrases I can see on the back of a Fall Out Boy album. For instance, let's say that, hypothetically, I've had my driver's license suspended from January 4th to February 4th for acquiring four traffic violations in a period of less than two years but I am choosing to commute to work anyway. During my trip to work I'd brainstorm facebook statuses like:

"Justin Hudec is really hoping to not see any cops on the road for the next month." Or...

"Justin Hudec is wondering who wants to spend the night at his house to drive him to work in the morning..." Or...

"Justin Hudec is rolling the dice today!"

Either that, or I'd try to summarize it in a working title that could be used for a song if I wanted the title to tell you a short story without actually using words/a phrase that appear in the song:

"It Would Be a Bad Day If My Car Was Impounded"

That could be the name of a song, right? Well, it can also be the title of a blog. And, 'Future Song Titles" is a far more legit name than 'Facebook Status Updates'.

1 comment:

  1. Justin, don't let your car get impounded. It would be a bad day indeed. oh, and MCS is awesome. AND you need to see the new furnishings in our apartment. Let's hang out. I will read more later. I was very impressed by your use of the word "ethos." Do you feel loved? YOU SHOULD.
