Monday, January 18, 2010

Hassan is an Insider, Attempt is on President Taylor

I'm a pretty bad guesser. Above is a quick note that I wrote to myself during the season premiere of Season 8 of 24 on Sunday night. I was trying to guess the first twist of the season. Turns out I was way off. President Taylor is fine, hasnt seen any danger yet... and, the 'twist' was that there was no twist. It was the brother the whole time.

That's probably why I love 24 so much... if you're just there to roll with the punches even the real predictable stuff just slaps you across the face. And, Lord knows I love a good face slapping as much as the next person. Maybe more.

Alright, I've got three more blogs to write tonight and a whole lot of explaining to do. Don't worry, this was just a trial run. I'm in the process of turning over a new leaf. I'd warn you to get out of the way... but, it's just a leaf, right?

1 comment:

  1. To adress the last comment, a short excerpt from "Leaves compared with flowers" by Robert Frost:

    "I bade men tell me which in brief,
    Is fairer, the flower or the leaf.
    They did not have the wit to say,
    Leaves by night and flowers by day."

    Just a leaf you ask? I think not...
