Tuesday, May 4, 2010

LeBrandon is Out, Sohrab is In

So, blogger here is telling me that it has been exactly one month since I have written anything in here. And, y'know... that feels about right.

Wow, it was a full month ago that my parent's visited me. It was a full month ago that I was just given permission to stop using crutches. It was a full month ago that I only had maybe a hundred pages left to finish The Kite Runner.

Good grief, those things seem like forever ago. I miss my parents a ton and can't wait to figure out a chance to head back down to SoCal. My leg is far from healed, but I am walking normal and going to the gym on a regular basis. And, I just finished The Kite Runner about five minutes ago and cried at the end of a book for the first time since 'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close'.

This time it was in a Starbucks though, as opposed to the safe confines of my own room. Awkward.

But, so good! It doesn't quite topple EL&IC as the Most Magnificent Manuscript Manufactured by Mere Mortals (the 6M Award, I'm surprised you haven't heard of it). But, it might have my favorite last moments of a book I've ever read. The words:

"For you, a thousand times over."

will forever haunt me. In a good way. I want that phrase to fuse itself into my vernacular. No longer "Yes" or "You betcha" or "I can do it, I can do it nine times", but...

For you, a thousand times over.

Oooooh. Can you feel it?

No? You should probably read the book.

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