Friday, April 2, 2010

A Mischief of Mice

Did you know that was the proper term for a family of mouses?

Oh, families! Is there a better word in the English language? What a broad and generic term when we are grouping things that belong together and then what a intense and specific word when we begin conjuring images of the families we belong to.

From what I understand from the media and some personal ties, I am in the very fortunate minority of people who still get along great with their folks. My insides are doing backflips thinking about how my parents will be visiting Portland for a few days with the primary intention of spending time with their eldest son and seeing where and how he lives. Suddenly, I feel like I am planning time with a girl that I like: my mind has gone blank! I can't think of what I do on a regular basis!

We have to go to Powell's, that's a given. I'm kind of hoping they'll buy me a few somethings there... Then, I want to take them to Bunk. That's kind of a self-serving trip as well, because I really want another Bunk sandwich. But... then what? I really like these people, what can I do?!

Families beyond my immediate family have been a source of comfort this week as well. I forgot how much I truly love the triduum of Catholic services leading up to Easter. I've spent most of my adult life trying to be as ecumenical as I can. But, the fact of the matter is that you Protestant Christians haven't experienced Easter until you've consecutively attended Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil services.

Of course, I don't mean that as condescending as that might sound. I'm sure most of you have had very fulfilling Easters. I hope this is one of them. But, seriously, next year. Think about it. It could be because my dear friend is joining the Church, and I'm sure the fact that I've had a rough couples of weeks/months has magnified my need for the stability and love that I find going to Mass, but I can't think of a time of my life that I felt more connected to the Spirit. This week is good. And right. And alive.

My house family is riding a roller coaster right now. I think the stresses of moving and the realization of limited time with one of our housies is wearing on us. The constant reminder I have is that we all are in this because we are good for one another and really care about each other. We had an amazing dinner and some great time of hanging out that really solidified that continuing our houe-family-ship was the right thing to do. I think some more honest conversation and a couple of exciting days of moving will put us in an awesome place. Both literally and figuratively.

And, of course, there's the family that I met breifly earlier tonight. They were gracious enough to let me gab about myself for about an hour while we got to know each other. Oh, and there was some wicked tasty (gluten-free) chips and dip. I like them; they're good people.

I've got a lot more thinking before I make any bold declarations, but I'm formulating a thought that says something along the lines of:

You're going to be okay as long as someone claims you as family.


  1. A+ for the labels. Its good to know we at least read each others blogs.

  2. this was a good reminder. I love you both. thanks for being one of my families.
